Saffir creative practice
Open Doors Saturday 9 December
@ilse.desutter / @matilde.everaert
Saffir creative practice
Saffir creative practice (Ilse De Sutter and Matilde Everaert) seeks careful compositions in space and image. Matilde and Ilse think in scenes, purposefully placed frames in which life takes place as it is in the apparent background position of the scenery that architecture truly stands out.
During their Open Doors, Saffir will exhibit the
remnants of their contribution to the exhibition
series Tafelzetting (Table Setting) for the Flanders
Architecture Institute and De Singel.
@vlaams_architectuurinstituut / @desingelartscentre
A collage of carefully selected fragments from the
printed textile that covered a tower of tables in
Antwerp will take on new interpretations within
The Green Corridor Brussels. The play of light,
color and atmospheres continues…